Cookies are small text (information) strings that the sites visited by the user send to their terminal, where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the same sites at the next visit by the same user.
While browsing a site, the user can also receive cookies on his terminal that are sent from different sites or web servers (so-called “third parties”), on which some elements may reside (such as, for example, images, maps, sounds, specific links to pages of other domains) present on the site that the same is visiting.
Most websites use cookies because they are tools that can improve the browsing experience of users.
In fact, cookies allow websites, in general, to offer personalized services in order to improve navigation for the user.
Cookies do not cause any damage to your devices and help the page editor to resolve technical errors.
There are several types of cookies.
Duration cookies are divided into temporary cookies (or session cookies) that are automatically deleted when the browser is closed and permanent cookies that are not deleted but remain until they are specifically deleted or until the expiration date defined by the site itself.
Most browsers accept cookies automatically.
From a qualitative point of view we can distinguish between technical and profiling cookies. For information purposes only, we indicate that the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data gives a definition of both categories, indicating cookies as technicians, “(…) used for the sole purpose of transmitting a communication over a communication network electronic, or to the extent strictly necessary for the provider of an information society service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user to provide this service “, profiling cookies are defined which,” (…) are designed to create related profiles to the user and are used in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the same in the context of surfing the net “.
The user can disable cookies from their browser by always entering the part relating to settings. Below are the methods of how to disable cookies in the most used browsers:

  1. Navigation with Google Chrome: 1. Chrome settings; 2. Advanced settings; 3. Privacy-Setting contents; 4. Cookies: once in the window in question, the user can choose the following options, a) Allow data to be saved locally; b) Stores local data only until the browser is closed; c) Block sites from setting any data; d) Block third-party cookies and site data;
  2. Browsing with Mozzilla Firefox, to deactivate click on the following link https://support.mozilla.org/it/kb/Attivare%20e%20disattivare%20i%20cookie;
  3. Browsing with Internet Explorer, to deactivate click on the following link http://windows.microsoft.com/it-it/windows7/block-enable-or-allow-cookies;
  4. Browsing with Safari, to deactivate click on the following link https://support.apple.com/it-it/HT201265;

All the most commonly used browsers allow cookies to be disabled.
In order to facilitate the user in reading and understanding this legal notice, we remind you that there are a variety of browsers whose exhaustive listing can be difficult.
To inactivate cookies in one of the browsers not listed, it is advisable to type in the navigation bar “DISABLING COOKIES” mentioning the name of the browser you use.
It should be remembered that the option, “Block third-party cookies and site data”, could have the direct effect of losing many functions necessary for the website to run correctly.
The user can also choose to browse incognito through the option offered by the most modern browsers.
This mode avoids the installation of cookies on your terminal.
The European regulation on the protection of personal data (2016/679) guarantees you, as interested in the processing, specific rights. The cookies used by the site editor, Locanda degli Alberi, are defined as technical, third-party and analytical cookies (functional to navigation, opening sessions, navigation according to a series of criteria selected by the user, such as language), essential for the user’s navigation on the website and for the use of its functions, without which the services requested by the user could be provided in a less satisfactory manner.
Specifically, the cookies used are the following:

– “_ga”; di Google Analytics
– “_gat”; di Google Analytics
– “cookie_notice_accepted” of your site.
– Duration – Session – Duration -Distinguishes the data of the browsing session, users and flow of visits.
– stores the language chosen by the user
– Memorization of the use of cookies
– 1 year from accessing the site.
– at the end of the session
– 1 year from creation

It is therefore specified that the aforementioned cookies do not have the function of associating navigation with the user’s personal data. The Google Analitycs service was edited in order to be able to make the IP address anonymous through “ga (‘set’, ‘anonymizeIp’, true);”

It is important to know that, in some cases, any third parties to the page manager, such as by way of a non-exhaustive example Google (for more information read here http://www.google.com/intl/it/policies/technologies/ types/), Facebook (for more information read here https://it-it.facebook.com/help/cookies/), TripAdvisor (for more information read here http://www.tripadvisor.it/pages/privacy. html) and YouTube (for more information read here https://www.google.it/intl/it/policies/technologies/types/), by means of the services provided to the same or the corresponding advertisements, they could in turn install cookies technical and profiling in the user’s terminal, such as those relating to advertising used to send targeted advertisements to the user based on his interests (also used to limit the number of times the user views an advertisement and to evaluate the effectiveness of the advertising campaign).
In general, cookies store the website visited by the user and this information is shared with third parties such as advertisers.

– “NID” di Google.com For more information http://www.google.com/intl/it/policies/technologies/types/

The user is reminded that the site is not responsible for third party cookies and that the list indicated may be subject to change, for more information read the cookie policy of the owner in question.

By accepting this Cookie Policy you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with what is described on this page.
If you believe you do not want to accept our cookie policy, we advise you not to visit our web page or to follow the instructions in the paragraph “HOW TO DISABLE COOKIES”, alternatively to use incognito navigation.
This notice was updated on 30/03/2019 and is subject to systematic review.
The user, aware of the speed of new technologies in continuous evolution, understands and accepts that the contents and information provided by this site is subject to periodic changes that do not depend on the owner of the page but on third parties, as a mere title of non-exhaustive example, the provider of hosting services or data traffic analysis services.
For these reasons, the user who browses the site undertakes to read this information regularly.